PBS GUNDRY: Thank you.

I am gonna show you how you can live like an active 16-year-old, when you are 103.

DR. GUNDRY: The reason I’ve become the go-to, fix-it guy for low energy isn't just because I've helped thousands of people break free from it, it's because I've been affected by low-energy myself.

I know what it feels like when you just don't have enough steam to get through the day. When it seems like you're stuck in a tired feeling body all the time.

VO: He used his acclaimed research skills to find a new solution.

DR. GUNDRY: I tested this energy renewal technique on myself, and it helped me feel more alive in my 60s than I had in my 30s.

Having high energy at an older age is absolutely possible and easy. But you’ve got to do it right.


It was a Tuesday.

I was at the doctor’s office because I knew something was wrong.

I was getting tired faster, I had aches and pains in my body, and I seemed to be gaining weight by the day...

And this was despite eating clean, exercising, and “doing everything right”!

As a doctor myself... I was sure something was off... but I wanted to get a second opinion.

And when my doctor came in with my chart... he gave me a wake-up call I’ll never forget:

“Declining energy, weight gain... has this happened to anyone else in your family, Steve?”

It hit me right away... My father started gaining weight and “slowing down” at almost the exact same age.

And his health got steadily worse... for the rest of his life.

Suddenly, all I could think was... Is this the rest of my life?

It was a harrowing moment for me — especially as a top-ranked doctor.

And I’ll reveal the unexpected way this story ended in just a minute.

First, you should know the reason I’m telling you this personal tale.

My name is Dr. Steven Gundry.

And if you’re getting older like me... I have a feeling you may have had a similar thought or experience to the one I just described.

If so, I want you to know right now... if you’ve ever “felt your age”...

Science has now revealed a way to take back your energy and vitality...

...even when age “tries” to steal them away from you.

You’ll discover shortly how I myself became living proof of this... and so did thousands of patients I’ve been able to help restore their vitality to date.

Let me show you exactly how you can renew your own energy and health — TODAY — in this groundbreaking presentation...

Now, I must warn you... some of what you’re about to discover may shock you.

Some of it will even go against conventional medical thinking... but it’s based on the latest cutting-edge science of aging in your body.

Over the next few minutes, you’ll learn amazing things like:

✔ The incredible story of how a heart patient “unclogged” his own heart — and what it can teach you about your body

✔ The weird, exotic food that’s been scientifically shown to “unlock” your true physical and mental potential — at any age

✔ The bizarre connection between rusting metal... and your current energy levels

✔ The fascinating nutrient young cows thrive on... that can help you stay skinny and full of “pep” as you get older

And so much more!

Again, I’m Dr. Steven Gundry — author of the New York Times Bestsellers, The Plant Paradox and The Plant Paradox Cookbook.

Today, I’m in my late 60s — and I’m thrilled to feel much younger and “fresher” now... than I did in my late 40s!

And it’s because, not long after I left my doctor’s office all those years ago... I made a shocking discovery at my own medical clinic.

This discovery would turn everything I thought I knew about medicine and aging... on its head.

And I’ve created this video to show you exactly what that discovery was.

If you’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or older — and your body doesn’t feel like it used to...

You’re about to learn the simple “energizing” technique I developed — and I now use daily.

This technique helped me get the bounce back in my step, the “drive” to take on the day...

And it even played a big role in helping me drop the 70 pounds of extra weight — which I was carrying around at my heaviest point.

What’s more… once I began teaching this new technique to everyday people from all over the country...

Nearly everyone who tried it began to see huge improvements in their energy and health, too! And you’ll hear more about the changes they experienced in a moment.

I call this powerful energy-enhancing technique the “Mt. Olympus Protocol.”

It’s easy, and it does NOT involve a diet, drug, medical procedure, or exercise program.

In fact, it’s something you can easily do right there where you sit!

And it helps “re-teach” your body — to make you feel and look younger, healthier, and livelier than you have in years...

...just like it did for me and thousands of regular people to date.

If you use what I reveal to you in this video, I’m confident you’ll be able to experience things like:

✔ A lighter, more wakeful feeling throughout the day

✔ A stronger, more agile-feeling body

✔ Greater ability to stay healthy and fight off sickness

✔ Healthier-looking skin

✔ Enhanced mental energy and clarity

✔ And more control over your weight and fitness level

I’m even willing to stake my reputation as a doctor on it!

You see, I’ve been able to become the go-to doctor for thousands of people with low energy for one key reason...

It’s the same reason I’ve created this special report you’re watching right now...

I used to suffer from low energy myself.

I know all too well the feeling like your own body is betraying you.

The truth is, it can... and does... happen to good people from ALL walks of life.

At the time my energy and vitality began to fail me... I was over 20 years into a successful career as a top cardiac surgeon, and immunologist.

I foolishly thought I’d seen all the real secrets of health and longevity.

After all, I was proud to be Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the prestigious Loma Linda University School of Medicine.

I was honored that I’d spent over 20 years ranked as one of Castle Connolly’s Top American Doctors.

My colleague Dr. Leonard Bailey and I had performed more infant and pediatric heart transplants than anyone else in the WORLD.

I was amazed that our success even resulted in me being featured in cover stories for People Magazine.

I’d also been able to perform heart operations in more than 30 countries — including charitable missions to China, India, and Zimbabwe.

And I was thrilled that I’d even managed to set a world record for interspecies heart transplantation survival — which stands to this day.

Lastly, thanks to years spent fixing people’s hearts, I invented and patented nine different surgical devices — which are now used in life-saving heart surgeries every day.

However, the only reason I was able to pull any of these things off was because... from day one...

My life’s mission was always to change lives.

And one day… this very mission prompted me to leave the world of surgery — forever.

It was all thanks to one patient — who defied every core assumption I had about human health.

I call him “Big Ed.”

On the day Big Ed first walked into my clinic... his timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

I’d just spent the past several months poring over clinical trials and studies... and had no luck finding what I was looking for!

I was in search of the latest drug or medical treatment that could potentially restore physical energy... or “slow down the age clock.”

And back then, I thought medications, surgery, and medical devices were where all the solutions were.

Ed proved me wrong.

You see, Ed was a big biker guy in his late 40s.

He was about 80 pounds overweight, his arteries were all clogged, and his body was breaking down.

He’d been to several other doctors before me, and they all told him there was no hope. He was going to die of heart disease.

This left him in deep despair.

The last doctor referred him to me — because I was the guy who took on patients nobody else felt they could help.

I looked over Ed’s angiogram — a “heart picture” where you can see problems with the arteries...

And sadly, even though I genuinely wanted to help Ed... I had to agree with the other doctors. His condition was inoperable.

Big Ed almost broke down when he heard that, but he refused to give up hope...

He told me that that angiogram of his heart and arteries was six months old.

And he insisted that, since then... he’d revamped his diet, started taking a bunch of health supplements...

And, although he was still big, he’d lost over 45 pounds. Plus, his energy was at an all-time high. That had to mean something!

I told Ed the weight loss was great, and he did seem very energetic...

But it wouldn’t change his arteries... and all the supplements wouldn’t do anything at all.

Undeterred, he talked me into doing a new angiogram. And, long story short...

Whatever Ed had done during those six months... had cleared HALF the blockages from his arteries!

In my entire career as a heart doctor, I’d NEVER seen anything like it. Medically, it was supposed to be impossible!

So, after Ed got his discharge from the hospital, I told him to come to my office the next day — and bring his bag of supplements.

I cleared my schedule and spent hours with Ed. I wrote down everything he ate and every supplement he took in the six months before he came to see me.

Afterward, I went over those notes backwards and forwards.

And I was shocked when I discovered a familiar pattern.

Between his supplements and foods...

Ed was taking in a unique combination of special nutrients — which I myself had written about 30 years before!

It was back when I was a student at Yale... doing my honors thesis.

In that thesis, I’d theorized you could get your body to completely change itself from the inside out... just through what you ate.

That’s because, in many ways, your body acts like a computer...

And food contains nutrients that act like “data” feeding into that computer.

Based on what “data” your body receives, it makes millions of snap judgements that can have a huge impact on your health.

In Ed’s case, his body drastically improved the health of his own arteries — and saved his life.

Now, this video is NOT about unclogging your arteries. However...

If Ed accomplished something that incredible... what else was possible?

Could you increase your energy later in life? Feel and look younger than your age? Lose weight you’d never been able to lose?

I immediately began searching for the answers — using myself as the guinea pig.

For the next 2 ½ years, I tested multiple combinations of nutrients on myself.

And, in the process, I made three key discoveries — which would ultimately lead me to...

get all my youthful energy back — and keep it to this day

lose 70 pounds... permanently

Resign from my prestigious job at Loma Linda University — so I could start two leading-edge nutrition clinics

write my first three books

help more people than I ever could as a surgeon

and make this groundbreaking video you’re watching right now

I now call the discoveries that led to all of this the 3 Energy Discoveries.

These discoveries enabled me to create the breakthrough, energy-restoring “Mt. Olympus Protocol” — which you’re going to learn in a moment.

The first of the discoveries involves an energy-destroying chemical reaction that “ages” your body prematurely.

What I discovered was a way to “discourage” this nasty reaction from happening — and protect your body from losing energy.

Energy Discovery #1: You lose energy because of “rust” in your body. Yes, RUST!

We’ve all seen old, rusted-out automobiles — the kind that wind up in junkyards.

But do you know what causes that rust to appear in the first place?

It’s a chemical reaction called “oxidation.”

And this same reaction also happens in your body — and it can cause you to age faster and lose your energy!

That’s right...

As you get older, your body literally starts RUSTING on the inside.

The medical name for this “internal rust” is oxidative damage.

Here’s how it affects your energy:

Normally, all your energy is produced in your CELLS — which are the tiny living “building blocks” of your body.

However, certain chemical compounds can show up in your body and damage your cells.

These compounds are called “oxidative agents.” Think of them as the archenemies of your cells. They cause the rust!

These oxidative agents enter your body through sugars and preservatives in your food, polluted air you breathe, and even sunlight. The truth is, it’s hard to escape them.

And the problem is, when these “tiny enemies” show up, war breaks out inside you!

Your cells go into “battle mode” and start fighting the oxidative agents.

And, because your cells are so busy fighting the intruders... they start shirking their energy-making chores...

As a result, you start losing energy.

What’s more... the “weapons” your cells use to fight the oxidative agents... can also cause oxidation themselves!

The whole thing eventually becomes one big mess...

It ends with many of your cells dying off in a sea of oxidizing chemicals!

And this causes your body to lose energy and age — or “rust out.”

Now, here’s where my first discovery comes in...

There are certain foods that can help “de-rust” your body — and help you become more youthful and energetic again.

I discovered them when I was in full “detective mode” in the months following the meeting with Big Ed.

I was researching a special class of plant-based compounds — called “phytonutrients.”

The latest science was showing these unique compounds could head oxidative agents off at the pass — keeping them from reaching your cells.

This could bring an end to the whole “oxidation battle” inside you...

And your cells would be free to rejuvenate themselves and make energy in peace.

What a huge weight to lift off your body!

This could make it possible to reclaim abundant health, energy, and vitality... regardless of age!

So, I spent weeks researching the richest sources of cell-protecting phytonutrients...

And I found three unique, exotic berries that would blow everything else out of the water. I now call them the “Power Trio.” They include...

1) Schisandra — shown in human studies to help improve physical stamina, enhance mental clarity, and even sharpen accuracy of movement.

3) Mangosteen — Shown in groundbreaking animal studies to help fight weight gain and activate AMPK — the “youth enzyme” that controls aging!

4) Acerola — shown in animal studies to help improve mental energy and prevent weight gain... even when overeating!

The key to these berries’ power is that they’re super-rich in the most powerful phytonutrients on Earth — known as Anthocyanins, Flavonoids, and Carotenoids.

In multiple studies from some of the world’s top researchers, these compounds were all found to be exceptional at fighting off “age-causing” oxidative agents.

That’s why I started making a “breakfast drink” that included all three Power Trio berries — which I would get at Asian food markets.

I gulped down my “breakfast drink” every morning. And, the longer I kept this simple morning routine up, the more I began to experience incredible changes:

I felt more wakeful in the morning...

I no longer needed my mid-day coffee to stay alert...

I stopped getting sick so often...

My skin got clearer...

And I lost my first 15 pounds!

I’m going to show you exactly how I made this drink in a moment...

Because these were all changes I’d been unable to achieve for YEARS!

Needless to say, I was thrilled. And I knew I was only scratching the surface of what was possible.

As soon as I made this first big breakthrough...

New discoveries started coming fast and furious — starting with my second Energy Discovery:

Energy Discovery #2: What gives you energy when you’re younger... makes you FAT when you’re older!

Now, I mentioned earlier that all your energy comes from your cells.

And now, you’ve discovered the incredible power of phytonutrients — which can help protect your cells from damage.

However, there’s another thing that can hold you back from completely regaining your youthful energy:

As you get older, your cells start suffering from a “fuel shortage.”

You see, the “fuel” your cells use to make energy comes from the calories you eat.

And the problem is, as you get older...

Your body starts storing more of these calories as fat... rather than sending them to your cells to make energy.

I call this “the fat storage problem.”

Not only can this problem make you lose energy... it can also make you gain weight!

But what would happen if you could tell your body to “unlock” your fat stores — and send them to your cells to make energy?

Would you be able to free yourself from pounds of age-related fat... and start feeling younger and more energetic than your age?

When I set out to answer these questions... I turned to a compound a growing number of scientists were beginning to study.

It’s called Carnitine.

Carnitine is an important compound your body makes when you’re younger. It helps your cells turn fat into energy.

As you get older, though, your body starts making less carnitine.

And this can leave you with less energy... and more fat!

But what if you added carnitine back in? Could it help reverse this situation — and help you get thinner and livelier?

According to a groundbreaking clinical trial that had just come out of Germany... the answer was yes!

In this trial, German scientists put one group of adults on carnitine for 10 days... and another group on a placebo for 10 days. And everyone ate the same diet.

When the scientists tested both groups at the end of the 10 days, they found the carnitine group was burning far more fat for energy.

To make sure it wasn’t a fluke, they switched who got the placebo and who got the carnitine and did the trial a second time.

The results were consistent: Whoever got the carnitine... burned more fat!

After reading this, I immediately sought out a powerful source of carnitine I could add to my regimen...

I came upon a special kind of easily-digested milk — called “A2 milk.” You can find it in many mainstream supermarkets nowadays.

NOTE: If you don’t drink milk, I’ll show you another way to get your carnitine in a moment.

Now, when I started adding carnitine-rich A2 milk to my Power Trio berry “breakfast drink”...

I experienced yet another incredible round of changes:

I started having more “bounce” in my stride...

People asked me what I was doing — I seemed different, happier...

I had enough energy to start running again...

I lost another 10 pounds!

My wife, Penny, asked me to put her on the breakfast drink, too.

As it turned out, the carnitine in the A2 milk acted synergistically with the phytonutrients in the Power Trio berries. They amplified each other.

And honestly, after a few months of this, I felt like a new man. I was shocked at the power of this simple combination of nutrients!

However, I wasn’t finished yet...

In the middle of my carnitine experiment, I discovered a way to dramatically amplify my already-great results...

It ended up being my third and final energy discovery:

Energy Discovery #3: The more of this ONE KEY compound your body has... the more energy it can generate!

Now, most people don’t know that the energy in your body is an actual chemical. It’s called ATP.

And the biggest ingredient in ATP is a compound called Ribose.

In other words, ribose is the central compound your energy is made of!

So, while I was in the middle of my carnitine “test run,” an amazing clinical trial on ribose came across my desk. I picked it up and read it immediately.

In the trial, scientists found that, if they gave people a ribose supplement, their bodies would make more ATP with it...

In other words, if your body gets more ribose, it can make more energy!

Now, I was already experiencing wonderful results with my phytonutrient- and carnitine-rich breakfast drink...

However, after reading the incredible study on ribose, I decided to add it to my routine.

Now, you can find ribose in limited amounts in foods like pastured eggs and spinach...

However, you have to eat a LOT of them to see a difference — and I wanted to keep things simple!

Plus, I wanted to try a “mega-dose” of Ribose to see how it benefited my energy levels.

So, I decided to order some ribose in powdered form — and start adding it to my “breakfast drink.”

I was astounded by what happened next.

Once I started adding the ribose...

My pace on my runs started picking up — I even passed up some younger runners!

My body felt so strong and healthy — I hardly believed my own age anymore...

I felt mentally more sharp — like I was getting work done at record pace...

I had absolutely no “energy lag” during the day anymore...

I had more energy to enjoy weekend trips with Penny...

And I lost another 10 lbs!

At this point, I felt like a completely different person. I’d honestly never felt this good before... not even when I was younger.

Penny also told me I looked better than ever — which made me feel great!

And because my results were so incredible...

I was confident enough to start recommending the same “breakfast drink” I was consuming to my patients who wanted to try it.

They’d just blend it in a blender and consume it each morning. I called this routine, the “Mt. Olympus Protocol.”

Nearly every person I recommended the Mt. Olympus Protocol to ultimately experienced:

✔ A fantastic increase in all-day energy

✔ A more youthful-feeling body

✔ Faster recovery from any kind of physical exertion

✔ Improved mental energy and focus

✔ Improved skin health and appearance

✔ Much more control over their weight

Now, I have to admit... even though people LOVED their results... I did get a couple of complaints...

For starters, some folks found that the “Mt. Olympus” breakfast drink ingredients were hard to get where they lived... and expensive if they did find them.

What’s more, some didn’t like the way the drink tasted... and a few also had issues with dairy.

I took this as an opportunity to develop a better, more potent version of the drink — one that would taste fantastic, be easy to prepare, and provide even more powerful results than the original.

So, I used my connections with top medical research scientists to get in touch with several premium nutrition labs.

I secured concentrated extracts of all the Power Trio berries, plus some extras — all LOADED with cell-boosting anthocyanins, flavonoids, and carotenoids...

I also got my hands on top-quality Acetyl-L-Carnitine — the fastest-absorbing, most powerful form of energizing carnitine available...

And I sourced a batch of premium D-Ribose — which is ultra-fast-absorbing and readily used by your cells to make abundant energy.

I blended everything in carefully-selected amounts to maximize results — which it took months of research to figure out.

And I used a special blend of fruit and herbal extracts to give it a delicious, natural flavor.

And as soon as I made this new version of the “Mt. Olympus” drink available for my patients to try ... their results positively took off.

They reported experiences like feeling as though a weight had been lifted off their bodies...

Having so much energy, they had to find fun things to do to burn it off...

Having friends and family ask them what they were doing differently...

Being in such a good mood... it positively impacted day-to-day interactions and personal relationships...

Not remembering the last time they caught a cold or got sick...

Finally seeing that stubborn number on the bathroom scale get lower and lower...

Being pleasantly surprised by just how good they looked in the mirror...

And feeling more confident and attractive than they had in years.

Long story short, this new, more powerful version of the drink exploded in popularity.

So many people were asking for it, I couldn’t make enough of it on my own!

Ultimately, I partnered up with a world-class certified nutrition laboratory... in order to keep up with demand.

As a result, I was able to scale up how much I made.

And now, I’m able to offer my unique, rejuvenating breakfast drink to people outside of my clinics.

I’m proudly calling it:

Gundry MD Energy Renew

Energy Renew is a powerful blend of ALL the energy-restoring compounds necessary to help you experience:

The THRILL of youthful energy and vitality returning to your body...*

*Individual results will vary.

The JOY of engaging in more activities you love — without feeling too tired...*

*Individual results will vary

The FREEDOM of enhanced health and immunity...*

*Individual results will vary

The POWER of improved mental energy and clarity throughout the day...*

*Individual results will vary

And the CONFIDENCE of a slimmer, leaner figure — and healthier, brighter skin!*

*Individual results will vary

This is the culmination of my life’s work in energy enhancement to date.

This blend of nutrients has helped change the course of my own health — and the health of my patients — for years to come.*

*Results not typical. Individual results will vary.

It took years of testing and refinement to dial this formula in to perfection.

There are ZERO preservatives, harmful chemicals, GMOs, artificial ingredients, or other unhealthy additives...

Only energy- and health-enhancing ingredients like:

The Phytonutrient Superfruits Blend

This blend includes high-potency extracts of exotic “superfruit” berries such as:


The Journal of Ethnopharmacology did an absolutely mind-blowing review of this incredible berry...

In the review, a whopping 23 human studies across the world showed that schisandra improved physical endurance in healthy adults.

In several of those studies, schisandra also helped participants enhance the accuracy of their movement and mental energy.


In 2016, a mangosteen study came out in the Journal of Medicinal Food that got the health community buzzing...

In this shocking animal study... mangosteen helped maintain a healthy weight by activating AMPK — sometimes nicknamed the “youth enzyme” for the control it exerts over the aging process!


This powerful tropical berry was just shown in a groundbreaking 2017 animal study to dramatically enhance mental sharpness.

More impressive, though, was another animal study on Acerola carried out by the same scientists.

In this study, they fed a large group of mice an intentionally fattening diet. Some of the mice also got acerola, while some didn’t.

The mice who DIDN’T get acerola got fatter as expected...

However, the researchers were shocked to discover the mice who DID get acerola... were protected against weight gain!

In yet another 2017 study — this time in vitro — acerola also helped human skin cells defend against “age-accelerating” oxidative damage.

And the scientists in this study didn’t go easy. They hit the skin cells hard with powerful oxidative chemicals... but the phytonutrients from acerola helped the cells protect themselves.

Now schisandra, mangosteen, and acerola are just the three berries I call the “Power Trio.”

There are SEVEN more phytonutrient-rich berries in this incredibly potent blend — plus concentrated blasts of nutrient-dense beetroot and hibiscus.

The result is an incredible dose of anthocyanins, flavonoids, and carotenoids — all shown to help your cells defend themselves, so they can keep powering your body with abundant, youthful energy.

And the berry blend is just the beginning. Energy Renew also has...

Acetyl L-Carnitine

This is the powerhouse form of carnitine — which is crucial for your energy levels as you get older.

In a groundbreaking human trial carried out in 2004... scientists separated healthy adults into two groups. One group got carnitine every day... and another group got a placebo.

After 10 days, tests were run... and the carnitine group was burning far more fat for energy. And this was despite everyone eating the exact same diet!

So, the scientists switched the carnitine and placebo groups for a second 10-day run to see if it changed anything. No matter what... whoever got carnitine burned more fat.

Several years later, a more in-depth human clinical trial was done on l-carnitine — with even more shocking results.

In this study, scientists gave healthy adults a daily drink that either had carnitine... or didn’t... for a period of 5 ½ months.

During that time scientists repeatedly tested the participants’ physical performance on exercise bikes.

In every test, the carnitine group was able to generate much more pedaling power — for longer — on the bikes.

And the scientists determined that it was because the carnitine was helping their bodies use more fat for energy!

As you might imagine, burning fat for energy can have a wonderful slimming effect on your body as well!

What’s more, shortly after that carnitine exercise study came out...

A major, comprehensive review of l-carnitine was published in Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics — this time concerning your nerves...

Based on multiple clinical trials involving over 1,700 participants... the authors of the review concluded that l-carnitine gives incredible support to nerve health — which is critical for enjoying life as you get older.

Now, as if this formula weren’t powerful enough already, the final ingredient takes it over the top...


This is the easy-to-digest form of ribose — the key compound that makes up energy in your body!

And in an amazing study carried out in 2004... it was discovered that, when participants took in more D-ribose in the form of a supplement... it caused their bodies to make more energy out of it!

Much more recently, however, in 2017... another, even more impressive clinical trial was carried out.

In this trial... scientists demonstrated how D-ribose dramatically improved physical performance and recovery in regular people... NOT athletes or fitness buffs.

Over the course of several days, they had 26 healthy adults perform grueling physical performance tests on exercise bikes every single day.

Half of those people got D-ribose, and half of them got a placebo.

From the first punishing day to the last, the non-athletic people who got D-Ribose... consistently out-pedaled those who got the placebo! And they also bounced back from the effort faster!

This kind of energy-enhancing power is why D-ribose is the final ingredient in the incredible Energy Renew formula.

Speaking of which, ALL the Energy Renew ingredients are quality checked multiple times...

And every batch of Energy Renew is third-party tested and verified for purity before being approved for release.

Energy Renew comes in the form of a delicious, quick-dissolving passionfruit-hibiscus drink powder. Simply mix with water and indulge!

Almost everyone who has gotten to try this groundbreaking formula has remarked on the wonderful flavor — on top of the fantastic, energy-restoring benefits!

Speaking of which, right now, you’re probably wondering where you can get Energy Renew and try it for yourself.

Well, the original plan was to release Energy Renew in high-end health food stores and clinics...

However, when my team and I crunched the numbers... we realized that wouldn’t be the best option for countless people who wanted — and deserved — to experience the power of this formula.

You see, Energy Renew is made of nothing but premium, cutting-edge ingredients — sourced from the top producers in the world.

As a result, many of these ingredients are actually quite hard to find. In fact, I’m confident you won’t find a formula like this anywhere on the market.

What’s more, even if you find them... many of the ingredients in Energy Renew tend to be expensive.

Before I partnered up with a top nutrition lab to keep up with demand... I was mixing the formula myself. And it would sometimes cost over $300 just make an individual month’s supply!

Now, because of the incredible energy- and health-enhancing results, patients were happily paying that. Nonetheless, I felt it was too expensive.

And that’s part of what motivated me to partner up with a top lab and get those costs down.

And now, after working out retail costs and everything... my team and I determined that, in stores, Energy Renew would run $140 for a month’s supply.

And, while that’s much lower than the original $300 price tag...

I still felt we could do better. After all, Energy Renew is meant for everyday people from all walks of life.

Everyone deserves the youthful charge of energy and “new lease on vitality” Energy Renew has quickly become known for.*

*Individual results will vary.

And that includes you.

So, I talked it over with my team, and we’ve agreed to abandon the retail idea entirely.

We’ve made the decision to cut out the middleman and just offer Energy Renew directly to you, the consumer.

This way, we’re able to cut out all retail costs and get you the best price possible.

That’s why you won’t be paying $300 like some of my patients did in the early days...

You won’t be paying the $140 price tag that retail outlets would have charged...

You won’t even be paying $80...

I’m proud that I’ll be able to offer this super-premium energy-restoring formula — with the same ingredients that helped me go from this...

...to this...

...for just $74.95 when it gets released to the public.


You’re not even going to pay that...

Because you stuck with me through this video, I want to do something special. So, today, through this video only...

I’d like to give you a chance to try Energy Renew — my groundbreaking energy restoration formula — for just $49.95 for a whole month’s supply.

That’s just $1.66 per day. Many people spend more than that on coffee.

And, once you’ve experienced the incredible energy recharge you get from Energy Renew... you might not even need coffee anymore!

Simply click the button below to claim your supply of Energy Renew at this exclusive price right now!

What’s more... on top of the incredible savings you’re getting... you’re also trying this groundbreaking formula risk-free.

You have 90 days to experience Energy Renew and see how you like it...

And if you aren’t thrilled with the renewed “pep in your step”...*

*Individual results may vary.

If you don’t love the healthy, vibrant, feeling throughout your body...*

*Individual results may vary.

If you’re not ecstatic about your more youthful demeanor and and appearance...*

*Individual results may vary.

Or even if you don’t like the color of the package Energy Renew comes in...

Simply contact my customer support team within 90 days for a hassle-free refund — no questions asked. The most important thing to me is your 100% satisfaction with any Gundry MD formula you try.

So, with an incredible, exclusive offer and no risk, there’s nothing holding you back!

Just be sure to act fast because supplies of this formula are limited.


I’ve had many people ask if they can order more than one package of Energy Renew. The answer is now yes!

I’ve had my team add some multi-pack options, which you’ll see on the next page.

What’s more, the multi-pack options include some extra savings — which you can take advantage of if you stock up.


I want to thank everyone who shared this video with their loved ones. It has now officially gone viral!

However, that means that my current batch of Energy Renew is dwindling quickly.

And due to the increasing demand for some of the energizing ingredients, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to offer the same discount once this batch is gone.

So, that’s why I urge you to act now, and take advantage of this special offer while current supplies last.

Simply click the button below to get started.

Now, before I go, there’s one more thing I want to talk to you about.

You came to this page and watched this video for a reason...

You see, lower energy and vitality don’t fix themselves. Neither do unwanted pounds of “age related” fat, unhealthy skin, or other problems.

These things tend to get worse with time when left unaddressed. That’s why so many people associate them with “getting older.”

If you’re not where you want to be right now, imagine five years from now. Ten years?

You deserve better than that! You deserve to drink in every single moment of life and enjoy it to the fullest.

You deserve to have all the energy you need to do the things you want to do.

You deserve to feel good in your body, and feel the confidence that comes with looking and feeling your best.

You deserve to THRIVE well into old age, just like so many others now do.

You remember how open the world felt to you when you were younger?

That’s because you had the energy to enjoy it. And that’s something you can have right now, too!

Just imagine what it would be like to wake up to that “fresh, ready” feeling every morning...*

*Individual results will vary.

Like you can’t wait to dive into what the day has in store!

Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing a trimmer, more vibrant-looking version of yourself than you used to see.*

*Individual results will vary.

Imagine feeling healthier, livelier, and “bouncier” than you have in years.*

*Individual results will vary.

Imagine how it feels to have your contagious, youthful energy rub off on those you care about the most.

Imagine your day going however you want it to go... because you had the energy and drive to make it go that way.*

*Individual results will vary.

That’s absolutely attainable at any age. I can tell you firsthand. So can many of my family, friends, and patients.

My aim with this video has been to show you the fastest, easiest, most direct path I know of... to a healthier, more energetic, more fun life — well into old age.

You can now see the thrilling road before you, but it’s up to you to take the first step.

I urge you to take action today, and start your journey with Energy Renew.

My team and I will be there with you every step of the way.

Simply click the button below to get started.

And let me be the first to welcome you to the Gundry MD health community.

I’m Dr. Steven Gundry. Thank you so much for watching.

Still here? You probably have questions, which is very common. Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions:

Question: How many packages should I order?

The most popular option is the 3-pack for new customers. And that’s what I usually recommend to start.

However, I’ve had my team include the 6-pack option for repeat customers and people who want to take advantage of the extra savings.

No matter what your order size, your order is covered by a 90-day, risk-free, money-back guarantee.

Question: What's in Energy Renew?

Energy renew is a groundbreaking combination of cell-protective, energy-enhancing ingredients, including...

The Phytonutrient Superfruits Blend

This potent blend of berries and fruits includes:

Schisandra — shown in numerous studies to help people improve their physical endurance, enhance the accuracy of their movement, and boost their mental energy and clarity.

Mangosteen — shown in a groundbreaking animal study to help maintain a healthy weight by activating AMPK — sometimes nicknamed the “youth enzyme” for the control it exerts over the aging process.

Acerola — Shown in groundbreaking animal studies to dramatically enhance mental sharpness and help protect against weight gain — even when eating an intentionally fattening diet. And in another study, it helped human skin cells defend themselves from “age-accelerating” oxidative damage!

There are seven more phytonutrient-rich berries in this incredibly potent blend — plus concentrated blasts of nutrient-dense beetroot and hibiscus.

Energy Renew also has:

Acetyl L-Carnitine — shown in clinical trials to helped “unlock” fat and use it for energy, enhance physical performance and endurance, and also help support the health of the nervous system.

And lastly...

D-Ribose — the key compound that makes up energy in your body. In supplement form, it’s been scientifically shown to help increase energy production in the body. And it’s also been shown to enhance physical performance in regular people — even under very physically demanding circumstances.

A complete list of the ingredients is on the order page — and on every single package of Energy Renew.

Question: How should I take Energy Renew?

The answer to this one is easy. You simply mix one scoop of Energy Renew into 8 ounces of water — or any drink of your choice — for incredible energy, nourishment, and overall wellbeing.*

*Individual results will vary.

Question: What does Energy Renew taste like?

Energy renew has a fantastic, refreshing passionfruit-hibiscus flavor. It’s delicious mixed in water or in the beverage of your choice.

Question: How long does it take to work?

Most people feel a noticeable increase in their energy within the first couple of days. However, the biggest results come to those who keep taking Energy Renew.*

*Results not typical. Individual results will vary.

Often, by the end of the first month, people report consistently higher energy and clearer skin. By the end of the second month, they often start noticing easier weight loss as their whole body is burning calories more effectively.*

*Individual results will vary.

And at the end of the third month, I often get comments along the lines of, “I feel like a new person,” or, “I’m enjoying activities I haven’t enjoyed in years!”*

*Individual results will vary.

Nonetheless, everyone’s experience and progress are different. I just ask you to be patient. The longer you use Energy Renew, the better your results tend to get.*

*Individual results will vary.

Question: What if it doesn't work for me or I don’t like it? Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely. Your satisfaction is the most important thing to me. I created Energy Renew to help you improve your energy, health, and life.

All I ask is that you try it for 90 days. And if you don’t get exactly the energy-restoring, body revitalizing results you’re looking for...

Simply contact my customer support team for a quick, hassle-free refund. Their contact info will be included in the confirmation email you receive when you place your order.

How pure is Energy Renew? Are there any side effects?

Energy Renew contains all-natural ingredients and absolutely no harmful additives or chemicals.

And everything — from the individual ingredients to the final blend to the packaging — is third-party tested for safety and quality before it’s approved to ship to you.

As for side effects... people often report incredible youthful energy, increased happiness and confidence, improved mental clarity, and better overall health...*

*Individual results will vary.

However, I’d hardly call those side effects!

Nonetheless, you should always consult your physician with any concerns before starting any new health program — including a new supplement.

And the last question: “Can I buy Energy Renew in stores?”

The answer to this one is no. Here’s why...

Energy Renew is made of ultra-premium lab-grade ingredients. We spared no expense in our quest to make this formula the best energy restoration formula on the market.

So, to keep the price affordable, we eliminated any retail markups by offering this incredible formula directly to you — the consumer.

After all, there is no reason you should have to foot the bill for a store’s profit margins! You deserve the best price possible.

And through this video only, you get a special discount on top of the already-low Internet-only price. But I can only guarantee this discounted price for a limited time while supplies last.

So, what are you waiting for? Click the ‘Next Step’ button below to begin your energy restoration journey with Energy Renew now!

Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you on the next page.